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Our Passion

As a church, we declare that our passions are:
To know Christ and to make him known.
To develop, encourage and support each other in:

  • Our relationship with God – in growth to maturity in Christ…

  • Our relationships with one another – to build up one another to maturity in Christ…

  • Our relationships with other churches and Christian organisations – working with the wider body of Christ…

  • Our relationships with the people of our local communities and the church worldwide – reaching out with Christ-like practical help and the good news of Jesus…


To be a Christ-centred community of healing and wholeness to the local communities in which we live, work.

The eldership team in the church are constantly re-evaluating our own passions, both within the fellowship and outside, so that, as a team, we are each of us attempting to ‘specialise’ in the passions God has given us, rather than all of us having similar general roles.  Such an approach allows each of us to work to our own strengths and have our weaknesses covered by others.

Likewise, within the church, we do not seek to simply try and fill every task with a volunteer, but rather to mentor and encourage each church member to discover and nurture their own passions.  This will allow everyone to engage in the ministry (or ministries) that are on their heart – rather than merely doing ‘jobs’ that need to be done.  Such an equipping takes time and effort through relationships, but we believe that it is the best way to build the church itself into a team of motivated and enthused people.

In this way, the church will function wherever its people are – whether at work, rest or play – and the reality of ‘Christ in us – the hope of the glory’ – will be seen in each of us so that people will see and know that we are a part of the global body of Jesus, who is the Christ – the Messiah.  We are passionate to see people’s lives changed and transformed by the power of God’s Spirit, so that we may draw closer to Jesus, becoming more like him.

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